Of course, the hill isn't just a hill, it's a metaphor for this whole project of becoming a doctor. This is a slog, I say to myself every day. Is it worth it? How much longer can I keep this up?

"Animo! Animo!" would shout the Italian pilgrims. Give it life, little bicyclist, give life to your effort. The French onlookers would shout, "Courage!", rhyming with the English word "garage" and lending the sentiment: Give it heart. Here's a little bit of mine. Give it heart!
The pilgrimage didn't feel like a slog, except for the day that we struggled toward the highest pass over the Pyrenees. We pushed our bikes up the paths on foot, even then gasping for air. The slopes were steep enough that we could hear rainfall from clouds that were meters downhill from us. I suspect (or hope) this is where we are in our medical program right now. Throwing our life and our hearts into the effort.
Courage, little pilgrim.