French Chocolate Glissade (GF, lactose free, if you want it that way)
Not your ordinary pudding, this stuff is like eating from a chocolate bar without having to wait for it to melt in your mouth. This recipe contains raw eggs, though, so enjoy your walk on the wild side at your own risk.
2 eggs at room temperature
6 oz high quality (60-80% cacao) chocolate, finely chopped
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons coconut oil (or butter if you don't mind the lactose)
a pinch of salt
herb for garnish (I used red pepper flakes, because I'm fearless)
Separate the eggs, set the yolks aside, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and set those aside too. Create a double boiler out of a pan of simmering water topped with a metal bowl. Into the bowl, add the water, butter, sugar, salt and chocolate, stirring constantly until the ingredients are smooth and without lumps. Remove the bowl from the heat source, whisk the yolks into the chocolate and then fold in the whites. Pour into wide mouth half-pint jars (wide-mouth for access, friends, gotta be able to get to the goods) and garnish with your favorite chocolate-loving herb. Chill for at least a couple hours before serving.
Update: My oh my. What happens when a caffeinated dessert meets Lorraine during finals week? Maybe a little over-eagerness to spread the word about this awesome chocolate glissade. Please allow a correction: Instead of chilling this glissade, allow it to cool completely to room temperature before serving, especially if you're using the coconut oil option.
Coconut Lavender Tapioca Pudding (GF, lactose free and vegan, totally by accident)
If chocolate glissade were a person, it might unflinchingly return your gaze and demand to know your soul. In such a case, this tapioca pudding would be the type to invite you close, hold you comfortingly and let you wander off when you wanted. Some people are into chocolate; some people like a more easy-going dessert.
1/3 cup large tapioca pearls soaked in water for at least an hour and drained
1 can coconut milk
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon lavender, crushed
a dash of salt
a few whole lavender buds for garnish
Heat the coconut milk over medium-low heat, add the tapioca pearls and cook until they become translucent. Remove from heat, let cool a little, add the powdered sugar, lavender and salt and combine. Pour into wide-mouth half-pint jars, garnish with whole lavender buds and let set. Refrigerate if you won't be eating them within a couple hours, but if you do so, warm the tapioca gently before serving.