Allium is the name of a genus of plants that includes onions and garlic, chives, leeks and hundreds of other edible, ornamental or wild species. The edible ones rock a badass set of qualities: beautiful, spicy, sweet and also medicinal. My favorite, garlic, is a perfect example of how food can be medicine and medicine can be delicious. |
Sometimes it surprises me that garlic is medicinal because it's so tasty and ubiquitous. That's the defining grace of herbal medicine, though: it works gently. Apparently, garlic has a long history as a medicine, ancient even. According to Matthew Wood and other herbalists, garlic
But it's also a food! What if all the food we ate were laden with supportive, friendly, delicious medicines like garlic? Each meal could be a boost to our bodies, like a splashy, quenching cup of sports drink to a marathon runner.
Sounds delicious.
- supports beneficial gut flora and kills unhelpful bacteria
- supports metabolism and is also nutritive (so it helps the body replace old worn out tissues with healthy new ones),
- supports digestion for most constitutions,
- can be used reliably to alleviate hypertension, and
- dissolves and expels toxins.
But it's also a food! What if all the food we ate were laden with supportive, friendly, delicious medicines like garlic? Each meal could be a boost to our bodies, like a splashy, quenching cup of sports drink to a marathon runner.
Sounds delicious.